Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't do it...

5 Things You Should NEVER Wear To A Wedding

by Jenny Feldman

Normally, on Save the Date, we focus on what you should wear to weddings, but today’s topic is all about please Don’ts. See if you agree, after the jump.

A white dress (or anything that could under any circumstances be mistaken for a wedding dress)

It might seem pretty obvious but still, I’m surprised by how often I see women making this mistake. Not cool, ladies. Save the floaty white dress for another occasion and take your pick of the 8,000 million other colors chilling in your closet—seriously.

Anything too short ‘n too tight

If you’re really drawn to these kind of get-ups, you might get away with one at the bachelorette party. After that, skip it. Enough said.

A really conservative suit

Suits at weddings can be a Do if they’ve got a skirt, come in a pretty color and have feminine details (think, gorgeous vintage Chanel skirt suit). But that blah work-y thing you wore to the last three job interviews? Nah. Remember, weddings are supposed to be celebratory occasions.

An upstager dress

This part gets tricky, especially if the invitation reads “black tie.” A good rule of thumb is to think carefully about what gown you pick. If it’s something that’s shouting “Look at me! look at me!” or has center-of-attention details like a train or bustle, you might want to reconsider.

Sure, they’re sexy, comfy and you can dance all night in them, but c’mon—it’s just bad manners. As a bride, I was even a little offended by the few people who opted to wear golf polos and capri pants to my Saturday night reception. Plus, what will grandma think?

Thought this was funny, for entire story including pictures check out msn.com